Volvo Iron Women supports representation of women heavy-duty truckers

In support of developing skilled heavy-duty truck drivers, Volvo Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Volvo Trucks), has introduced its Volvo Iron Women initiative to Malaysia.
With the support of the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry as strategic partner, Volvo Trucks recently celebrated the inaugural graduation of five women as fully certified heavy-duty truck drivers.
“Volvo Iron Women has enjoyed much success globally and we are very excited to see the opportunities it will unlock with Malaysia as a pioneer of the programme in the Southeast Asia region,” said Volvo Trucks International, Vice President, Johan Selvén.
Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Hajah Nancy Shukri, who graced the graduation ceremony, said in her address, “KPWKM’s collaboration with Volvo Trucks through the Iron Women initiative is a shining example of an impactful public-private partnership. I believe we are moving the needle steadily in addressing gender disparities in the workforce.”
Nancy also acknowledged Taipanco Sdn Bhd, who will be employing the first cohort of graduates, for being among the few industry players to recognise the value of women heavy-duty truck drivers as valuable assets to their fleet.
The Ministry stated that it would lend its support to equip the Iron Women graduates with the knowledge and skills to navigate a male-dominated industry, especially with an awareness to recognise and address any form of gender bias harassment with confidence.
This includes endorsing the Volvo Iron Women programme for counselling and training for gender bias harassment, and provision of a hotline for women drivers in need of counselling or advise should the need arise.
The Ministry also stated it would assist in identifying and recommending viable candidates as participants. By integrating a support system for the women, the Ministry hopes to create a seamless and sustainable transition of more women into new economic sectors, especially one traditionally dominated by men.
“Being in the logistics industry for over two decades, we see great potential in the empowerment and participation of women to address the industry’s growing demand for skilled truck drivers,” said Taipanco Sdn Bhd, Executive Director, Dato’ Nazari Akhbar.
The Volvo Iron Women programme is designed to empower candidates from end to end, beginning with the undertaking of lessons and examinations through an authorised driving institution to obtain a Class E license to drive heavy vehicles.
Following a full health evaluation, candidates then progress to the next stage of obtaining a Goods Driving License (GDL) by attending a seven-hour lecture and theory examination, of which all costs will be borne by the employing company. The GDL is divided into three categories, namely light vehicles, heavy vehicles and jointed vehicles. The Volvo Iron Women programme in Malaysia is focused on jointed vehicles.

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