Road blocks info, to share or not to share?

We are used to seeing information and updates regarding roadblocks or road closures being shared through mobile applications like WhatsApp and Telegram.
Automatically, we press the Share button to spread it to more people. Hopefully, it is beneficial, they say. Yes, it may be beneficial for some people. But should we share and help in informing about the existence of roadblocks?
Before that, let us examine its purpose first. Roadblocks can be set up for purposes such as road construction, closure of specific roads, law enforcement operations, and hunting down criminals.
We understand, you share and distribute information about roadblock operations due to law enforcement because there may be you or people around you with vehicles that are not roadworthy, expired road tax, non-compliant number plates, or have made certain modifications.
So, you share information about roadblock operations so that your friends and members of your car club WhatsApp group are not fined.
But, what if the roadblock is set up to track down criminals? When the criminal reads your sharing, they will divert to alternative routes or flee at different times.
Authorities fail to catch the criminal, and the case remains unresolved. Are you happy because you were not fined? If the criminal has just assaulted you, and they can escape because others shared information about the roadblock, are you still happy?
At this moment, we at Engear want to emphasize not to share information on the presence of roadblocks. There is no need to be overly caring or act as unlicensed reporters just to avoid friends getting fined. It could more so inconvenience the work of law enforcement agencies. Let’s make a change together!

Always hoping that ICE and manual transmissions stay relevant and don’t disappear. It’s more about balance than just power.