B1, B2 licences can be upgraded to Class B starting Oct 1

Class B1 and B2 motorcycle license holders who have been active for more than 10 years can apply for LMM Class B starting from the upcoming October 1.
Transport Minister, Anthony Loke Siew Fook, stated that holders of LMM Class B1 and B2 who are interested can obtain LMM Class B with a fee of only RM160 compared to the previous RM900.
He said, those interested must attend and pass a two-hour transitional and motorcycle adjustment program for motorcycles with 500cc and above at the Driving Institute (IM), involving practical riding and safe driving information.
“Other conditions set are that applicants must be free from any blacklist, outstanding fines, business transaction restrictions, records of serious offenses, or any unresolved matters under Act 333.
“In addition, applicants must also undergo self-declared physical, mental, and medical fitness verification,” he said at a press conference after completing the ministry’s monthly assembly here.
He said, the government fundamentally agrees with the transitional program, however, it is not implemented automatically but must meet the specified requirements.

Someone who loves driving manual cars but prefers riding an automatic scooter. Maybe it's an age thing.