
Hyundai Ioniq 5 EV convoy completes ASEAN tour – 3,197km in 11 days

hyundai ioniq 5 asean tour 07

After 11 days and 3,197km, the Hyundai Ioniq 5 convoy has finally succeeded in completing their zero-emission journey across the ASEAN region.

They commenced their expedition in Singapore, then traversed through Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, and concluded in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on November 30, 2023.

This expedition marks the most extensive cross-country tour by electric vehicles (EVs) within ASEAN. Furthermore, the total distance of 3,197km exceeded the original estimate by 446km.

The purpose of this journey was to showcase the Ioniq 5’s capabilities for long-distance travel and its environmentally friendly nature, particularly in a region where the capabilities of EVs are still a matter of skepticism.

Additionally, the Hyundai Ioniq 5 demonstrated cost savings, with an average expenditure of only USD116 (RM537.60) for the entire journey. This represents approximately half the typical fuel expenses for a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle.

Youngtack Lee, President of Hyundai Motor ASEAN, stated, “Our dedication to making EVs more accessible as a clean transportation solution has successfully propelled us forward.

“With the success of the Ioniq 5 expedition, we are excited to further accelerate our innovations in developing EV infrastructure and ecosystems in this region. While this journey may have concluded, the excitement for electrification has only just begun,” he added.

The Hyundai Ioniq 5 convoy consisted of five vehicles, two of which were deployed in Indonesia and the remaining three in Singapore.

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